Experts in the Sales, Hire and Service of lifting, Winching, Jacking and Load Securing products to a wide range of markets and industries

Experts in the Sales, Service and Hire of a wide range of Lifting, Jacking and Materials Handling products to the rail industry.

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Top Tips to help you Prepare for an Off Roading Holiday

March 14th, 2012

Off roading holidays can be an amazing adventure, but if you don’t carry out all the necessary safety procedures before you go, you could find yourself in danger.

Follow these tips to make sure that you stay safe in your 4×4 and have the off roading holiday of your dreams.

Before you take a 4×4 vehicle on holiday make sure you are familiar with how it drives. Take time to practice driving your vehicle before you go to avoid any nasty surprises.

Make sure your vehicle is equipped with essential equipment for repairs and maintenance such as jacks and spare tyres. Find out as much as you can about the terrain you’re going to tackle before you set off so you can include things like winches if it’s likely you’ll need them.

Find out where the air intake of your engine is so you know exactly what depth of water you can safely get through. If you’re going to be travelling through a lot of water or are venturing into a desert you could fit a Safari Snorkel which will filter out any sand or water from your engine.

Get to know the dimensions of your vehicle so you understand how big or small a space you can squeeze through. Don’t forget to take the extra height into account if you’re adding a roof rack.

Keep your engine well maintained, clean your hoses and filters and top up water levels before you leave.

Take emergency supplies and first aid with you wherever you go. These should include blankets, torches food and water.

When off roading on holiday you should try to travel with other vehicles where possible, then if you have a breakdown you won’t be left stranded.

When you pack your vehicle make sure you distribute your equipment evenly to avoid causing suspension problems.

Before you set off on a journey make sure you’ve got a good idea of how long it will take but always leave some extra time for contingencies.

Make sure someone knows where you are going and when you expect to be back, but also make sure that your 4×4 is equipped with a means of communication such as a CB radio.

Find out about the local emergency services and make sure you know how to contact the appropriate body if needed.


Confidence Grows for Construction Firms in 2012

February 2nd, 2012

A new survey carried out within the construction industry has shown that confidence is growing despite January’s slow expansion.

The survey, carried out by PMI, illustrated that the construction industry had achieved unexpected growth last year, proving that investors are still willing to put their money into construction despite the financial struggles being faced in Great Britain.

The survey showed that revenue from the construction industry had fallen from 53.2 % to 51.4%, which was far lower than the estimated 52.6% that had been predicted.

However, the part of the survey that looked at confidence within the industry found that those in the construction industry were more confident about future growth than they had been for the past eight months.

Data compiler at Markist and economist Sarah Bingham commented that the results of the survey could indicate that the UK is not in line for a double dip recession and that those in the industry could expect increased growth over the coming year.

Although growth in the construction sector, which accounts for 8% of the total economy in the UK, shrank slightly last year, the sector has been driven forward by civil engineering and house building activity.

However, this was not enough to sustain the creation of new jobs which caused employment within construction to stagnate.

Despite this, those questioned for the PMI survey contended that they were feeling optimistic about growth over 2012 and that continued work within the housing and civil engineering sectors would help keep the industry afloat.

Although there was a marked increase in the costs of raw materials and energy prices last year, this was slightly offset by a slower rate of inflation. It is hoped that the decreased inflation rates will help all sectors of the construction industry to grow, including companies providing construction materials, lifting gear hire and town planning.

Some economists are convinced that the construction industry survey presents a strong indication that the entire economy is not in fact headed for another economic downturn, but others are warning that another recession could still be in the pipeline.


High Speed Rail Link Finalised Today

January 10th, 2012

British Transport Secretary Justine Greening is expected to announce final confirmation that the planned HS2 high speed rail link between Birmingham and London will go ahead.

The rail link will travel 100 miles, cutting through the Tory stronghold of Middle England and shaving an hour off the journey time to the capital.

The link, the first phase of which will cost an estimated £32 billion and will travel at speeds of 225 miles an hour. A planned second phase which will link London to the north of England is yet to be confirmed.

The HS2 link has caused controversy since plans were first announced and critics are claiming that the new line will decimate the countryside, be an added expense for tax payers and will cost more to use than the average British person can afford.

Plans for the new link have caused a political divide in the majority of political parties, with ministers from the Labour Party, the Conservatives, the Liberal Democrats and the SDP speaking out to criticise the plans and voice concerns about rail safety, the cost to the taxpayer and the effect that the link will have on the British countryside.

Matthew Sinclair, head of the Taxpayers Alliance, explained that the plans could cost every British family £1000 but would only be of benefit to a minority of Brits. He went on to call the scheme ‘unfair’ and called plans for the link ‘weak’.

However, a report released by Network Rail welcomed the plans, stating that transport links between Birmingham and the capital were already at capacity and the new link would solve the problem of overcrowding on trains.

It is expected that finalisation of the plans will not be complete until 2014 and construction of the new link will take a further eight years, with the testing stage being reached in 2024. The link will be officially opened twenty four months later.


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