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All About Railway Traction Bearings

August 15th, 2011

If you’re searching for the ideal solution to boost the efficiency which is found on the railways what you need is traction railway bearings. Railway bearings are the smartest choice to make if you want to continually enhance efficiency of railway equipment.

Traction bearings are vitally important to railways as they help them to run more safely, more quickly and more efficiently.

Countries across the globe are investing in up to the minute railway networks, this is because in built up cities they are often considered to be the best form of transportation due to their speed and efficiency when getting from A to B. Due to the global boom in the train industry much greater investment is being placed on new rail equipment so that railway networks can offer the best service possible in terms of speed, cost and efficiency. In addition trains are required to travel over greater distances as the global village develops, meaning that manufacturers want their trains to be as smooth running and maintenance free as possible. Due to the greater stress and strain on rail equipment traction bearing need to be utilised to help handle the extra stress and strain.

Traction railway bearings are developed and manufactured in a manner that causes them to be a great deal tougher than a typical bearing. They are able to function efficiently in several different types of condition. For example traction railway bearings work efficiently with high radial and axial loads, extreme speed, high impact loads, heavy goods and can run for long periods without needing maintenance.

Traction railway bearings are usually manufactured from cylindrical roller bearings as they can withstand high-speeds and heavy-loads and are easy to assemble and disassemble.

Traction railway bearings are usually manufactured from cylindrical roller bearings as they can withstand high-speeds and heavy-loads and are easy to assemble and disassemble.

Traction Railway Bearings permit the user to attain reduced life cycle expenses in the rail network and in contrast to gearbox bearings, traction railway bearings are generally lubricated by grease so that they avoid the difficulties of an oil system and significantly reduce the chance of unwanted oil getting into the train engine.

New special greases have been developed for use with traction railway bearings which help improve performance and reduce the need for maintenance. These greases can withstand high temperatures. However, over greasing can cause a reduction in performance and can also cause overheating.


Where Does Your Railway Come From?

July 7th, 2011

Most of us have travelled by train but not many of us have considered where our trains and railway systems come from.

In fact, much of the various components needed to run railways services are manufactured in the UK by highly skilled engineers.

It is engineers that help develop our railways, helping them run more efficiently and giving us the freedom to travel quickly and safely around the country.

Railways are made up of several components which include train carriages, tracks, signal lighting and electrical systems, amongst other things.

One of the main companies that manufactures parts for railways is based in Stourbridge in the West Midlands. They make the Zwicky range of obstructionless hydraulic track jacks.

In addition they also manufacture track tools, sleeper beams, rail beams, rail thimbles and bespoke equipment.

Many of the track tools they make are specially insulated so they can be used on electric systems like the London underground. Standard tools include spanners, manual handling tools, bars, shovels, forks and fast clip tools. Their insulated range includes forks, keying hammers and pick handles.

Sleeper beams include fixed sleeper lifting beams, fixed sleeper laying beams, adjustable sleeper beams and dropper chains.

Rail beams include manual rail handling beams and hydraulic rail handling beams. They are manufactured to lift heavy beams quickly and efficiently. Thimbles are used with road rail machines and long welded rail trains.

All these tools represent just a tiny element of what is required to run and maintain railways and illustrates what difficult and dangerous job railway maintenance can be.

Many of us take for granted the running of our train services without realising the amount of work that goes into maintaining the service. Railway engineers are always working somewhere on the railway system and need to check for various things on a daily basis.

Although railway engineering is sometimes carried out during the day and at weekends most of it takes place overnight meaning that there is less disruption to services.

During this time railway engineers check electrics, railway beams, railway tracks, signalling and a host of other elements. If a beam or rail is showing signs of fatigue then it must be replaced which is where some of the aforementioned equipment comes into play.

The UK rail network is one of the safest in the world and that is down to the people who look after it. Railway maintenance involves a great deal of hard work and technical ability to carry out safely.


How to Avoid Accidents At railway Crossings

June 7th, 2011

Everyone wants to be a careful driver and keep themselves and those around them safe on the road. In recent times many of us have become far more conscious about road safety and for the majority of us things like drinking and driving would be completely unthinkable. Many drivers take regular breaks to ward off tiredness and due to the growth of the speed camera most of us avoid travelling at fast speeds. However, many drivers are less conscious about rail safety.

However as cities and towns grow roads are constantly changing, which means the addition of new road signs and markings. In conjunction with this, road features which used to be more commonplace, such as railway crossings, are becoming rarer. Because of this people are often confused when they do come upon a railway crossing and are often not entirely sure what they should do in this situation.

As so many drivers are unfamiliar with railway crossings it can mean that a lot of unnecessary accidents occur. The first thing driver need to take into consideration is that railway crossings could crop up unannounced on long country roads, so be aware of your surroundings and keep alert as to what is ahead of you.

If you see a railway crossing or a sign for one up ahead check to see if there is a car behind you. Do not break suddenly and give yourself enough time to come to a controlled stop. This will avoid a rear end collision but also greatly reduce the chances of you being pushed onto the tracks by the car behind you in the event of a collision. You should try to stop about 5 metres away from the tracks where possible.

This is not only safer because it avoids the possibility of your car being pushed onto the tracks by another vehicle, but also wards against any rocks or debris thrown up by the passing train hitting your windscreen and causing a chip or a crack.

If there is no train approaching and the barriers which stop you from crossing the tracks are up then it is safe to cross. You should do this in a low gear and at a steady pace which will help prevent the possibility of your vehicle stalling on the tracks.

If you follow these tips then you should avoid any danger at railway crossings. Remember, the gap between you encountering a railway crossing may be years apart but if you remember these pointers and drive sensibly you can easily avoid any accidents when you do come across a railway crossing.


How Rail Maintenance Increases Train Safety

May 13th, 2011

The train industry is growing rapidly as people and goods are transported further afield. Due to the volume of train traffic safety on the rails has increased as there has been a greater demand for high quality rail services.

Railway contractors have had their jobs made easier by the introduction of new safety tools and precautions such as railway safety kits, better access to stations and upgraded design of both trains and tracks. Advances in construction have also added to the safety of modern railways.

Developing the fabrication and safety system in place during railway construction has helped to ensure that rail workers and passengers are kept safe. Signals are an essential part of keeping the tracks safe. Accurate computerised signal kits are installed in all stations to ensure that safety is maintained. The efficiency of signals is constantly monitored and upgraded to ensure the best possible service.

Railways can be very dangerous places, particularly as a workplace. Workers who perform maintenance and repairs are working at high risk and are exposed to the possibility of injury and even death. This is why all track maintenance and repair must be carried out and planned extremely carefully.

Construction workers on railway sites must be very carefully monitored. All contingencies must be planned for and safety precautions and action plans if the worst should happen must be in place.

Climbing systems play a major role in repair works which involves the use of ladders. All construction and maintenance staff should be fully trained to certificate level and should ensure that they are wearing all the correct safety equipment such as hard hats, reflective clothing and steel capped boots. Staff should also be aware of all safety procedures and what to do should there be an accident.

The safety of any contractors is incredibly important and should be the foremost consideration of rail network owners. In addition network owners must be aware of their legal obligations with regards to track maintenance and the qualifications and level of knowledge that anyone working on the tracks should have. If these laws are not complied with it could lead to legal action.

The security and safety of passengers and goods should be the foremost consideration of any rail company in order to prevent accidents such as derailment. Railway owners are obligated to ensure that their passengers are being kept safe and maintenance engineers carry out regular checks on railway tracks, sleepers, signalling equipment, station entrances and exits and the trains themselves.


Rail Equipment – Hydraulic Jacks

April 21st, 2011

Hydraulic Jacks are used in railway maintenance for lifting rail carriages and rails. Hydraulic Jacks need to be checked and tested regularly to ensure that they adhere to all safety conditions and are working to the best of their ability. If you use hydraulic jacks in rail maintenance you need to ensure that they are tested and inspected and that all results are officially recorded.


During inspection the jack is inspected for any physical damage such as missing, broken or fractured parts and also for any oil leaks.

If the external appearance of the jack appears to be damaged then it is stripped down and carefully examined internally.

The lifting and lowering mechanism is checked and the hydraulic oil level is measured. If there is a problem that can be fixed repairs are carried out and the jack is then re checked.


Hydraulic Jacks need to be regularly and rigorously tested. During the testing process the jack is operated to its full extension and receives 25% more pressure than what is considered a safe working load.

This load is maintained for 15 minutes, after which time the release valve is activated and the jack is lowered and carefully inspected again.

This process is then repeated at half extension. If an overload valve is fitted this is then reset at between 5% and 10% over the safe working load and the jack re-tested at its safe working load as outlined above.

A load of 1% of the Jacks safe working load is then applied to ensure the jack fully retracts from its maximum to minimum height within an acceptable time frame.

When working within the railway industry safety is of the upmost importance. Hydraulic Jacks and other maintenance equipment should be very carefully checked under agreed conditions on a regular basis.

Those carrying out safety checks should be well trained and fully qualified and all results should be carefully recorded to ensure that there is a clear record of any safety issues which may arise during checking.

Hydraulic Jacks are an important part of railway maintenance and ensuring that all hydraulic jacks used meet safety requirements is an essential part of maintaining safe railways.


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